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Virtual Reality Solutions

Full Virtual Reality Walk Through

Step into VR and explore your stage and set like you were actually there.   Give your scene some real world scale and depth that you can't get on a 2D monitor.  Use it to get a better understanding of what your video content and set pieces will actually look like. 

Unity 3D Model 003
Unity 3D Model 001
Unity 3D Model 002
Integrated and Seamless Experience

The built in menu structure and simple navigation controls allow users to experience VR without having to know any programming or use any external tools, programs, or dongles.

Use either Oculus rift or HTC Vive for VR.  AR applications built on Hololens, and even stand alone versions that play like a game for those without headsets.  Applications can even be run from a laptop.

Rift, Vive, Hololens, and more...
Lighting VR with Light Converse

With native support through Light Converse, now you can visualize a fully programmed show in virtual reality with all the features you have come to expect.


Notch VR setups and support as well as D3 visualization with R14.3

Notch & D3

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